PowerGen is committed to our mission statement to exceed our customer expectations for quality energy in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. In the HSE department, we focus on the health and well-being of our employees and all other stakeholders.
Caring for the environment is also a high priority for us. Success in Heath, Safety and Environment management requires the development of systems as well as a culture that supports compliance. We pride ourselves in our Health, Safety and Environmental programmes and the continuous improvement in the benefits derived by our employees, our stakeholders and the environment. PowerGen seeks to manage its Health, Safety and Environment with reference to international standards.
We align our HSE Management Systems with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and our Health and Safety with the OHSAS 18001 system. Our Environmental Policy and our Safety Policy are clearly defined and outline our commitment to ensure a safe workplace and protection of the environment. A major part of that commitment is compliance with legislation. We monitor our performance by tracking leading and lagging indicators. Training, Safety Committees, Job Safety Briefings, Near Miss Reporting and Safety Orientations are some of the proactive measures that are designed to prevent incidents.
Our lagging indicators include tracking, Day Away from Work Cases, Recordable Incidents and Environmental Incidents. At PowerGen, we constantly seek to develop our employees' awareness so that they demonstrate a positive HSE culture. These safe behaviours and attitudes include wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment at all times, a willingness to lead by example, a willingness to learn, the ability to spot violations, a willingness to correct and be corrected, a zeal in implementing recommendations and zero tolerance for violations.
Health, Safety and protection of the Environment is a major concern of ours and we invest the time and resources necessary to maintain the highest industry standards. This concern transcends beyond our employees and includes contractors and visitors who attend our facilities. PowerGen shares HSE awareness with schools and communities through various programmes, such as our World Environmental Day activities. We also have membership in several national HSE groups and are committed to national HSE excellence. At PowerGen, power is our business and HSE is our life.